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Press Releases
Stuttgart, 9 September 2024
BF.Quartalsbarometer Q3 2024: Sentiment Brightening Despite Bleaker Financing Conditions
Stuttgart, 4 March 2024
BF.Quartalsbarometer Q1-2024: Sentiment Brightening Slightly for Second Consecutive Quarter
Frankfurt, 26 September 2023
Nova Fides: New Consulting Firm for Real Estate Debt Restructuring Goes Live
Stuttgart, 19 September 2023
BF.Quartalsbarometer Q3-2023: Neuer Negativrekord bei Sentimentindex für Immobilienfinanzierer
Stuttgart, 21 March 2023
BF.Quartalsbarometer Q1 2023: Sentiment Index for Real Estate Lenders Hits Another All-Time Low
Stuttgart, 12 December 2022
BF.Quartalsbarometer Q4-2022: Sentiment among Real Estate Lenders Drops to New All-time Low
Stuttgart, 23 August 2022
BF.Quartalsbarometer Q3 2022: Sentiment among Real Estate Lenders Hits Rock Bottom
Stuttgart, 4 July 2022
BF.real estate finance to Extend its Real Estate Financing Services to International Clients in Future
Stuttgart, 21 February 2022
BF.Quartalsbarometer Q1-2022: Sentiment Keeps Deteriorating among Real Estate Lenders
Stuttgart, 15 December 2021
BF.Quartalsbarometer Q4 2021: Sentiment among Real Estate Lenders has Darkened again
Berlin, 24 February 2021
BF.Quartalsbarometer Q1 2021: Sentiment among Real Estate Lenders, while Brightening, Remains Negative
Stuttgart, 1 October 2020
BF.direkt gains Fabio Carrozza as Head of Relationship Management & Loan Origination
BF.Quarterly Barometer
BF.Quarterly Barometer – what the real estate finance industry is thinking
The BF.Quarterly Barometer is one of the most important indicators of sentiment in the commercial real estate finance sector in Germany. It offers detailed insight into the business climate in the industry. The BF.Quarterly Barometer surveys around 110 experts, most of whom are directly responsible for lending to real estate companies. The barometer score is calculated as the composite of various individual scores. The panel comprises representatives of various banks and other finance providers and is prepared by bulwiengesa AG. Prof. Steffen Sebastian, Chair of Real Estate Finance at IREBS, University of Regensburg, acts as scientific adviser for the Quarterly Barometer. He regularly authors the foreword to the Quarterly Barometer, in which he analyses and interprets the results of the survey.
BF.Market Radar
The monthly Market Radar – topical opinion
Once a month, Francesco Fedele, CEO of BF.direkt AG, and Prof. Steffen Sebastian, Chair of Real Estate Finance at IREBS, University of Regensburg, discuss the latest key developments and trends in commercial real estate finance. The topics range from the development of real estate prices and new regulatory initiatives to the European Central Bank’s interest rate policy. The two experts comment on new trends and analyse the market, clearly criticising failings while also coming up with constructive suggestions and initiatives.
Francesco Fedele und Prof. Dr. Steffen Sebastian